MOC2024 High-school Session Agenda

September 29, 2024 (Sun)

MOC2024 High-school Session Agenda

High-school Poster Session
High-school Workshop
High-school Poster Award Ceremony


Invited Speaker 邀請講者


Hirochika Nakajima
Waseda University
Title: Introduction to the Microoptics World

Gen-ichi Hatakoshi
Microoptics Group
Title: Light and electrons
—Why do semiconductors emit light?

Hyeonseok Lee
Faculty of Department of Photonics, NSYSU
Title: Nanostructured semiconductor materials for solar energy conversion



MOC2024 Poster Competition

緣起 Origin of The Competition

微光學是高科技業的重要基礎科目,為了推廣微光學及光電科技,並呼應十二年國教新課綱之科技領域「生活科技」及「資訊科技」, MOC2024微光學國際研討會特辦理「高中生微光學海報競賽」。

Micro-optics is an important foundational subject in the high-tech industry. To promote Micro-optics and Photonics Technology, and to implement the new national education curriculum for 12-Year Basic Education of "Life Science Technology" and "Information Technology". The MOC2024 International Symposium on Micro-Optics is organizing the inaugural "Micro-Optics High-school Poster Competition".


目的 Purpose


Encourage high school students to study and research Photonics Technology, and the results will be displayed in the form of posters. Participating in the MOC2024 International Symposium on Micro-optics can cultivate students' scientific and technological literacy as well as their interest and ability to explore issues related to Photonics Technology in the future.


實施方式 Implementation


Adopt poster presentation. The poster presentation focuses on the theme of the “ MICROOPTICS and LIVING TECHNOLOGY” or research results on topics related to photonics.


參賽資格 Eligible Participants

  1. 113學年度第一學期在學之全國公私立高中職學生。

    All senior high school students in the semester of the academic year.

  2. 組隊報名,每組至少1人、至多3人(不包含指導老師)。

    Each group should consist of at least one student and a maximum of three students (excluding supervisors). 

  3. 每位學生限投稿一次。

    Each student can only submit once.

  4. 比賽當天,各隊需至少有一名學生進行海報發表。

    At least one student from each group presents the poster.

  5. 所有高中生參與者皆需參加海報發表前之光電科普教學工作坊及頒獎典禮。

    All students are required to participate in the Photonics Technology Workshop and the Award Ceremony before invited talks at conference.


報名日期與海報格式 Registration Date and Poster Format

  1. 欲參與高中生講座者,請於2024年9月25日 前線上填寫報名表。

    Please fill out the registration form online by September 25, 2024.

       高中生講座線上報名系統 High-school Workshop Online Registration System

  1. 海報呈現以圖像、表格及重點文字為佳(限以英文呈現

    All the contents of the poster such as the summary, figures, and tables should be written in English.

  2. 格式可參考下方檔案連結下載。海報尺寸為A0(841*1189 mm)。

    Please refer to the file link below for downloading. The poster size is A0 (841*1189mm).

    競賽海報格式參考 Poster format reference


海報初選 Preliminary Evaluation of Posters

  1. 經本會初步篩選,挑選20組為原則。

    After preliminary evaluation, 20 groups will be selected.

  2. 初選標準為研究主題(40%)、創意學術與實用價值(60%)。

    For the preliminary evaluation criteria, the research topic accounts for 40%, and the academic creativity with practical value accounts for 60%.

  3. 初選結果將於2024年9月02日公布於官方網頁,並以 e-mail 通知每一組的隊長。

    The results of the preliminary presentations will be announced on the official website on September 02, 2024, and team leader of each group will be notified via e-mail.


決賽海報展示方式與時間地點 Display Method/Time and Place (Final Poster)

  1. 大會將協助輸出決賽海報。

    The conference will assist in printing the final posters.

  2. 參與高中生請於2024年9月29日上午9:30前至國立中山大學國研大樓1樓大廳完成現場報到,並參加光電科普教學工作坊。

    Please complete on-site registration in the lobby on the first floor of International Research Building, NSYSU before 9:30 am on September 29, 2024, and participated in the Photonics Technology teaching workshop.

  3. 全程參與工作坊之高中生將授予本國際研討會參與證書。

    High school students who participate in the entire workshop will be awarded a certificate of participation.

  4. 9:30至10:30進行英語海報發表。

    English poster presentations will be held from 9:30 to 10:30.

  5. 10:30至12:00為光電科普教學工作坊活動。

    From 10:30 to 12:00 is the Photonics Technology teaching workshop.

  6. 頒獎典禮將於12:00至12:30在華立廳舉行。

    The award ceremony will be held in HUA-LI Hall from 12:00 to 12:30.


獎項與評審標準 Awards & Judging Criteria

  1. 評審結果將於2024年9月29日下午12:00華立廳現場頒獎典禮公布。

    The final results will be announced at the award ceremony in HUA-LI Hall at 12:00 pm on Sep. 29, 2024.

  2. 評審標準:研究主題(30%)、創意學術與實用價值 (30%)、海報內容及表達能力 (40%)。

    Evaluation Criteria: research topic (30%), academic creativity and practicality (30%), poster content and expression ability (40%).

  3. 選出:特優(1組)、優等(2組)及佳作數名,並頒發獎狀。

    One group of High Distinction Award, two groups of Excellence Award, and several Honorable Mention Award will be selected.


注意事項 Precaution

  1. 參賽作品如有抄襲、研究成果不實、侵犯他人智慧財產權或違反其他相關法令規定者,一律取消受獎資格,並自負法律責任。

    If the contents of the poster are plagiarized, contain false research results, infringe any intellectual property rights or violate other relevant laws and regulations, participants will be disqualified from receiving the award and will bear legal responsibility.

  2. 如有未盡事宜,請參考網頁公告。

    If you have any unanswered questions, please refer to the website announcement.

  3. 參與本活動之高中生及陪同家人或師長,需自付交通費。

    High-school students and accompanying family members or teachers who participate in this event need to pay their own transport fares.


聯絡人資料 Contact Information

國立中山大學光電工程學系,第29屆微光學國際研討會 (MOC2024) 籌備小組  

Department of Photonics, NSYSU, the 29th MICROOPTICS CONFERENCE (MOC2024)  
